Develop systems, procedures and documents for assessment requirements and operations.
Review the assessment bylaws and executive rules periodically for further improvements.
Adopt scientific methods and procedures for assessment and examinations.
Oversee the development of question banks and developing scientific frameworks to
design questions and use statistical methods for analyzing exam results and measuring
different levels.
Supervise the assessment violations committee and approving its decisions and recommendations.
Study the recommendations issued by the specialized scientific committees, assessors
and training centers in the assessment matters and utilize them in the committee work.
Explore and utilize the international experiments and progress in the assessment fields.
Set assessment criteria and requirements for selecting assessors and approving lists
of assessors.
Study matters related to assessment that are referred to the committee by Council
of Scientific Affairs or NIHS and issue appropriate recommendations.
Propose and organize seminar and training activities to develop capabilities of assessors
in coordination's with relevant authorities.